Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brain Training can Increase IQ

An expert said that brain training can make increasing our intelligent. IQ can fixed by genes largely but by practice the brain with right brain training can increase IQ. The research show on intriguing new study at University of Michigan suggest it can increase the IQ.

On this study involved 62 elementary and middle school children from southeast Michigan who were randomly assigned to train on one of two video game like computer tasks. One group performed a mental training exercise aimed at improving working memory, the ability to hold and retrieve information in the short time. Other group practice by general knowledge and vocabulary skills.

After one month training, many of kids who had engaged in the working memory task had boosted a key attribute of their intelligence by some five points. They are show improvement on their intelligence test.

On the Michigan researcher found that kids had not only enhanced their fluid intelligent after training but they also maintained the gained fro three months after training ended.

Physical training has an effect not only on skills that are trained, but also on skills that are not explicitly trained. For example, running regularly can improve biking performance. More generally, running will improve performance on activities that benefit from an efficient cardiovascular system and strong leg muscles, such as climbing stairs or swimming.

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