What is gigantism, if somebody with a over normal of growing more high this can be said as Gigantism. The scientist said that gigantism is because of there is a gigantic cell. Gigantic reproductive cells many times discover than the minute crustaceans that produce them. Now the scientist have discovered that octracods, or seed shrimp, have been cranking out these giant sperm for at least 100 million years.
Gigantism idea actially is useful if invented in plant or animals like chicken. May be you have known long time ago that a broiler chicken can grow faster than normal chiken. I think this is also the effect of gigantism growing. People want everything become faster than the normal, faster big, faster rich, and then faster to die.
Also we may have known of the geologist founding about a giant man of last thousand years ago, there are a giant people on that era, but this founding may be from abnormal people like now. This one also talk about a founding of gigantism fosil.
As an X-ray beam result through intact fossils, clearly show two large sperm pumps called Zenker organs. The pumps resemble those found in contemporary species of giant sperm-producing species of ostracods, which devote a third of their body volume to reproduction.
The female fossils, for their part, boast a pair of large seminal receptacles, which must have been filled with sperm in order to be preserved. Such story a long history for giant sperm of intense sexual competition between males. Female gather sperm from multiple males before fertilizing their eggs, but researchers don't have a clue what determines success. That is the story of science and technology development currently.
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