Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Old Stone Found in South Sumatra

The Megalit stone gongs-like found in Atungbungsu Village plantations, District of South Dempo, Pagaralam Town, South Sumatra (South Sumatra), Friday (6/11).

Head of Tourism and Culture Art Pagaralam Syafrudin City said it planned to release land around the location of the discovery of Megalit stone, after it had made enclosure.

According to him, a lot of rock found in Megalit Pagaralam, even some have made a fence around the preserve.

Pagaralam municipal government does not have a special agency to scour the various data or historical objects, such as Megalit and sculpture.

However, the location of the discovery of rock gongs this tourism area will be built the largest orchard in the City Pagaralam with approximately 100 hectares of land. In the future we will involve local people to find and help maintain, if the historical objects found again in other areas.

Citizens District South Dempo Amrullah said Megalit shaped stone gong five times the size of the contents of the drum 100 liters of oil was found five miles from the hamlet Atungbungsu, one kilometer from the airport construction site.

Megalit which when hit will issue it sounds like a gong round oval with one meter high, two meters wide and five meters long, found in coffee plantations owned by local residents.

It is estimated that Megalit stone with thousands years old, with the condition still intact, but its position has shifted, there are indications will be moved to another place.

The area where the stones discovered had once been Megalit shrub, but by the owner cleaned and made coffee plantations.

Because lack of understanding, the rock that is contained a high historical value was left stranded. After the municipal government Pagaralam come, the new note as Megalit stone.

It's in there is quite a lot Pagaralam Megalit ancient heritage, but its maintenance is still not done well," he said again.

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